EU Trademark Search

Know about the availability of your mark

Get to know if your mark is available for registration or not. More unique your mark is, better your chances are for registration.

EU Trademark Search

Find out whether you are infringing someone’s Mark

From the search we can find out whether you are infringing someone’s mark or not and accordingly we will help dodging a trademark infringement suit.

EU Trademark Search

Search in all over Europe

Get a single search report for all the Nations of European Union in no time.

EU Trademark Search

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What Do I Get?

A trademark Search Report with details of all similar marks along with our expert opinion suggesting the best course of action.


Our 3-step process is fast and easy.
Quickly fill up the questionnaire
We will start the search at once
You will get the search report within 48 hours

Fill up the questionnaire, then we will start the Trademark Search at once and within 48 hours you will have the search report in your mailbox.

Trademark search will help you in find out both registered and unregistered trademarks which are already being used in the market, thus giving you idea about the status of the mark and whether you should change it or not.

Trademark Search Packages



Number of marks searched : One

In this search is conducted for one mark in one class.

Database used : EUIPO

EUIPO is the only database used in this package.

TM Search Report : 3-5 days

You will also get an easy to understand, meticulously drafted Search Report within 3-5 business days.



Number of marks searched : Two

The search is conducted for two marks in two classes.

Database used : EUIPO, other online database

Apart from EUIPO other online sources are also used.

TM Search Report : 2-3 days

This search report will give you thorough analysis of the results found in multiple database within 2-3 business days.



Number of marks searched : Upto Three

The search is conducted in multiple classes for up to three marks.

Database used : EUIPO, online database and Global IP database

Apart from EUIPO and online sources Global IP Database is also used for search.

TM Search report: Within 48 hours

We will start the search immediately and you will get the search report in your hand within 48 business hours.


Professional, great communicators, great results. Would not hesitate to use firm’s services for trademark registration again. Thanks!


Founder Star Pack, Australia

Great work as always for Trademark Search from Lex Protector.


MD Gold Tiger Holdings, FL, USA

Lex Protector helped us file several trademarks and copyright. They were easy to reach, always available and were quick to understand the legal requirements of our business. Recommended!


CEO VitaminBestBuy, NY, USA

Hired them for Patent filing and Trade Mark. They were great to work with. Will be using them again.

Cornelius John Vanderkolk

CEO, Scilent Action, USA

I was very happy with their work, they successfully had links removed under the DMCA Takedown processes on several websites, it was very cost effective and stress free way to protect our brand.

Riel Roussopoulos

CMO, IXLD Media Inc, Canada

Lex Protector made this very easy for me, they took care of everything in a very professional way. Top notch service!

Javier Benia O’Neill

Director, QB Media, Uruguay

Not the first time we have worked with LexProtector and we continue to be very satisfied with the quality of work and support. Knowledge on international law is exceptional, this vendor keeps on top of us to ensure they are able to deliver within set deadlines and expectations, will continue to work with.

Janie Lee Brown

Operations Manager, Morgan McKinley, UAE

Lex Protector have experienced and professional attorneys. I was privileged to work with them on some items and will certainly work with Aurobinda in the future. I have met with him in person when in India and found him to be just as professional in person as he is thru Emails.

Andrew Benson

President and CEO, DJAB Networks, USA

Professional, great communicators, great results. Would not hesitate to use Lex Protector’s Services again. Thanks!

Matthew Hodge

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Trademark Search?

This is an important step in Trademark Registration. A thorough search is conducted in various database to find out any identical or similar mark, registered or applied for registration, with that of the client’s mark.

Is it important to conduct the Trademark search?

Yes, through Trademark Search only we can find out about the strength of the mark. Meaning it can be concluded that whether such mark will face any difficulty in getting registration or whether it will be a smooth, hassle free process. It will also help in decreasing the chances of any future litigation, by finding out whether your mark is infringing someone else’s mark or not, which in turn will save your money and time.

What is the suitable time to conduct Trademark Search?

A search before you start using your mark in commerce and prior to trademark application is suggested in order to try to establish whether the same or similar marks already exist, as it will save your time and money.

The search is conducted by whom?

We, at Lex Protector have a team of highly efficient legal professionals, who have gained expertise in the field of Intellectual Property Rights. Once we get the requisite information from your side, our team leaves no stone unturned to find any mark that is even remotely identical or similar to yours. Our efficient team conducts the search within brief time to deliver the best results to you.

How much time is needed to complete the search?

It takes one to two days to complete a Trademark Search.

What are the information required to do the Search?

We need certain information from your end to go on with the search. As a reason of which we provide you with a questionnaire, which contains some very basic information regarding the mark and your business. In case if you find any difficulties in filling up those details or any information is missing, we may contact you with your given mail ID or contact number for the details. Basically the name of the mark, type of goods/service for which you are using it in commerce and the first date of use of your mark are the primary requirement.

If the search result is clear, can I start using the mark without registration?

You might go on and use the mark, but we will not advise that. The reason behind this is, at the time of the search there might not be any similar mark, but later on any mark similar to yours may come and register themselves. At that time if you do not have a registration, you have to prove that you are the honest concurrent prior user which is quite difficult to prove. On the other hand if you have a registration, your registration will be considered as the conclusive proof of your ownership over the mark. So, if the search result is clear we advise you to start with the registration procedure at once.

Does Trademark Search help in getting registration?

The Trademark search discloses marks which are identical or confusingly similar, to your mark. This in turn will give us the idea that whether your mark is likely to infringe any other mark or not.

If a similar mark is found, what can be done next?

If any similar mark to that of yours is found, we will suggest you to make some changes to the existing mark or come up with a new mark. For the amended or the new mark we will conduct an independent Trademark search and guide you.

What are the outcomes of not opting for Trademark Search?

If you continue using the mark or if you file an application without conducting Trademark Search, you might be infringing someone else’s mark. If that is the case and the particular person files an infringement action against you, you will be restrained from using the mark, this will also affect your reputation and goodwill in the market. For the above stated reasons, we strongly advise to conduct Trademark Search.

If the Trademark Search shows no similar mark, is it possible that in future there will be objection against the mark?
Yes, at the time of conducting the search it is possible that there are some unregistered marks which are not present in any of the database at the time of search. Which at a later point of time might come forward claiming their ownership over the mark.
Should I continue Trademark search after getting registration?

Yes, the Trademark Search should be conducted time and again after registration to find out whether any similar mark has been applied for registration or not and accordingly opposition can be filed.

If yes, then how frequently the Trademark Search should be conducted?

That depends on the discretion of the owner. However, we suggest that it should be done in a monthly basis, so that the owner can stay updated regarding the current position which the Trademark holds.

Why should I opt for professional Trademark Search?

There are various reasons, first of all by opting for professional Trademark Search you can get an opinion as to whether you are infringing someone else’s mark or not. There are also certain categories of mark which are barred from registration, if your mark contains any of those the professionals can help you in identifying the same, which in turn will save you lot of money and time. The database on which the search is conducted, contains certain technicalities, you being a layman in the area of IPR will not be able to understand this technicalities. For these reasons Professional help is advisable because we are well aware of the value of your Trademark and we are determined in helping you in every possible way.

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